It’s been a year since the M. Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin initiated an ambitious educational project called Music. Multimedia. Management.
The first part of the M.M.M. training programme took place in May and June. Students, graduates, practicing artists and producers from all over the world took part in free online courses across six thematic areas. During this period, we’ve held some 35 webinars connecting with experts from different time zones, from the US West Coast, through Iceland, UK, Switzerland, France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, to Vietnam and Taiwan.
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Recorded masterclasses and webinars are available upon registering via:
Out of several hundred people registered for the programme, 24 participants qualified for the second stage of training, which in practice meant their active involvement in the production of our flagship events, including:
MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival 2021, featuring artsits: Paweł Mykietyn, Extrawelt, Jonathan Stockhammer, ÉxQuartet and Patryk Matwiejczuk. In the fourth edition of the festival, during various events – concerts, performances, exhibitions, conferences – artists and makers tried to express a maximum content through a minimal form and to show the philosophy of minimalism from many perspectives.
As part of the collaboration with TRAFO Center for Contemporary Art, we hosted an exhibition called Little Whirlpools in the Middle of the Ocean also presented as part of the MDF Festival. Curated by Stanisław Ruksza, the exhibition featured works by Bogna Burska, Rafał Jakubowicz, Jesper Just, Patrycja Orzechowska, Kristian Skylstad and Andrzej Wasilewski.
International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra 2021, was again a great opportunity for young musicians to join an orchestra for a prestigious symphonic concert conducted by Rune Bergmann, Artistic Director of the Szczecin Philharmonic. As every year, the preparations for the concert took place in the form of workshops under the supervision of renowned and experienced orchestra musicians.
Fjord Cadenza Fetival, which took place between August 11-15, 2021. During this time, more than a dozen concerts and music events took place in the extraordinary scenery of the Norwegian fjords and in site-specifig spots such as an old factory or a church. Fjord Cadenza is an event in which the artistic dimension is as important as its impact on its local audience.
The trainees have already made themselves known to the artists and the audience during this year's events, having a chance to test the acquired knowledge across specific tasks. Two weeks of practical training at the Partners’ HQs confirmed just how strong an impulse is the contact with a new professional environment and also, letting in a fresh perspective from the outside. Involving the interns in the project work at this stage is meant to prepare the ground for their more independent work in the second year of the project.
To better prepare the Interns for this challenge, these months see 1:1 Tutoring for participants who have demonstrated above average aptitude, commitment and a creative approach to their assignments. During ongoing tutoring sessions, the Tutor and Intern bring their knowledge, skills, experience, personality and character over a series of individual meetings in the form of discussions, debates, conversations. They are aimed at reinforcing the professional potential of the Intern in their chosen area of specialization. To conduct the meetings, we again invited our brilliant experts: in the ARTIST MANAGEMENT module – Grzegorz Kotow, in the MUSIC EDUCATION module – Annika Kukkonen and Tuula Jukola-Nuorteva, in the TEAM MANAGEMENT module – Rune Bergmanna and Xoana Castineira, in the SOUND module – Moritz Bergfeld and Erik Valderhaug, in the LIGHT module – Ellen Ruge and Felice Ross. Tutoring in the ART CURATION module will coincide with the programme of exhibitions in the 4th Level Gallery.
In the meantime, the Organizers are busy preparing ambitious artistic programs for 2022. Project works will begin soon and we already invite you to take part in all the events co-created by the M.M.M. team:
>> ILYO International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra – 09-19/08 2022
>> Fjord Cadenza Festival: 09-14/08 2022
>> MDF Festival – 5 Edycja: 21-25/09 2022
>> The exhibition program of the 4 Poziom Gallery in cooperation with TRAFO Trafostacja Sztuki.
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Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe