The Philharmonic Building among the Most Important Works of Contemporary Architecture

NEWS | 06-07-2023
The Philharmonic Building, as the only one from Poland, has been included in the list of the world's 200 most significant works of contemporary architecture – the global! We are proud to be among the outstanding achievements that awe people worldwide, and we once again congratulate the project's authors.

Prestigious Group of Contemporary Architecture Icons

Nearly nine years after its opening, the Philharmonic Building continues to receive recognition and additional accolades. As the only Polish project, it has been included in the prestigious group of the world's 200 most significant works of contemporary architecture.

The global guide to contemporary architecture,, created the list, authored by the Spanish Foundation for Contemporary Architecture. offers a selection of 200 projects that, according to the authors, respond to the challenges and possibilities of contemporary architecture worldwide. The selection includes works created after 1975, which as a whole represent exceptional architecture, "architecture that would justify a journey in itself." The list aims to reflect the diversity of strategies and approaches to dealing with the complexity of the contemporary landscape.

A Modern Design Inspired by Music, Place, and History

Having been opened in 2014, the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic Hall in Szczecin had been designed by the Barozzi/Veiga studio (Fabrizio Barozzi and Alberto Veiga) from Barcelona. The construction lasted three years (2011-2014), and the investment cost amounted to 120 million PLN. Part of the funding came from the budget of the City of Szczecin, while the European Union provided the remainder.

The inspiration for its design came from organs, an instrument used by some of the most talented composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, Stanisław Moniuszko, and Feliks Nowowiejski. At the same time, it references the history of the place and the shape of the Hanseatic architecture of the city.

These inspirations are visible in the monumental white form with a characteristic line of steep roofs with pointed tops and a three-dimensional aluminum-glass façade structure. The authors of this innovative architectural design won the international competition announced in 2007 for the concept of a new building for the Szczecin Philharmonic. Their vision surpassed 40 other competitive ideas.

This is a building created for the city in northern Poland, which reconstructs the intersection where the pre-war Konzerthaus was located and needed to regain its central and historical significance, say the designers in a commentary for the It is a corner from which the Philharmonic could initiate the process of transforming the city, they add.

January 2025
01JAN '25wd, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025New Year’s ConcertSymphonic concert
03JAN '25fr, 19:00
05 JAN, sn, 15:00 - KARUZELA GNA. NOWA EDYCJAkoncert zewnętrzny
05 JAN, sn, 18:00 - KARUZELA GNA. NOWA EDYCJAkoncert zewnętrzny
09JAN '25th, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusVernissage
10JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Presidential ConcertSymphonic concert
11JAN '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
11JAN '25sa, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Presidential ConcertSymphonic concert
12JAN '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
15JAN '25wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Landscape without BordersChamber concert
17JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025 | SYMPHONIC MONUMENTSSymphonic monuments - Rimsky-KorsakovSymphonic concert
18JAN '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
18JAN '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
18JAN '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
18JAN '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
19JAN '25sn, 11:00
Young Music Lovers' Academy | Family concertsTales from the Orchestral TreeConcertfor children with caregivers
19JAN '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
19 JAN, sn, 19:00 - KRZYSZTOF CUGOWSKI - 55 LAT NA SCENIEkoncert zewnętrzny
20JAN '25mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
20JAN '25mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
20 JAN, mn, 19:00 - ZAKOPOWER KOLĘDOWOkoncert zewnętrzny
21JAN '25tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
21 JAN, tu, 19:00 - VARIUS MANX & KASIA STANKIEWICZ 90'/35koncert zewnętrzny
23JAN '25th, 19:00
WORLD MUSIC | Rubato 2024/2025Špis MelodiesWorld music concert
24JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Symphony of JoySymphonic concert
25JAN '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
25JAN '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
25JAN '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
25JAN '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
25 JAN, sa, 18:00 - SKALDOWIE [PRZENIESIONY NA 27.05.2025, 19:00]koncert zewnętrzny
TODAY26 JANsn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
TODAY26 JANsn, 17:00
EduVerve| Family concertsThe Great ImprovisationConcertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
28 JAN, tu, 19:00 - IRA AKUSTYCZNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
31JAN '25fr, 14:00
31JAN '25fr, 15:00
31JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Euphoric NightSymphonic concert
February 2025
01FEB '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
01 FEB, sa, 20:00 - MTV Unplugged ØRGANEKkoncert zewnętrzny
02FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
03FEB '25mn, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
03FEB '25mn, 19:00
JAZZ CONCERTS | Espressivo 2024/2025Polish Jazz LegendsJazz concert
04FEB '25tu, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
05FEB '25wd, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
05FEB '25wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Four Seasons of Buenos AiresChamber concert
06FEB '25th, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
07FEB '25fr, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
07FEB '25fr, 14:00
07FEB '25fr, 15:00
07FEB '25fr, 19:00
08FEB '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
09FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
09FEB '25sn, 19:00
PHILHARMONIC LIGHT | Brillante 2024/2025CoincidenceConcert
10 FEB, mn, 19:00 - SOYKA - CZAS NA MIŁOŚĆkoncert zewnętrzny
11 FEB, tu, 19:00 - ANITA LIPNICKA I JOHN PORTER. KOŚCI MIŁOŚCI koncert zewnętrzny
14FEB '25fr, 14:00
14FEB '25fr, 15:00
14FEB '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Faces of LoveSymphonic concert
16FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
16 FEB, sn, 17:00 - MIUOSH x ZESPÓŁ ŚLĄSK: PIEŚNI WSPÓŁCZESNE IIkoncert zewnętrzny
16 FEB, sn, 20:00 - MIUOSH x ZESPÓŁ ŚLĄSK: PIEŚNI WSPÓŁCZESNE IIkoncert zewnętrzny
17FEB '25mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
17FEB '25mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
18 FEB, tu, 19:00 - EDYTA GEPPERT RECITALkoncert zewnętrzny
21FEB '25fr, 14:00
21FEB '25fr, 15:00
21FEB '25fr, 16:00
21FEB '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Dance InvitationSymphonic concert
22FEB '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
22FEB '25sa, 19:00
PHILHARMONIC LIGHT | Brillante 2024/2025Coincidence | Koncert w NFM WrocławConcert
22 FEB, sa, 19:00 - SYMPHONICA Z GRZEGORZEM SKAWIŃSKIMkoncert zewnętrzny
23FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
24 FEB, mn, 19:00 - IRENA SANTOR. TRASA JUBILEUSZOWA koncert zewnętrzny
26 FEB, wd, 19:00 - MARYLA RODOWICZ - MAŁGOŚKA FOREVERkoncert zewnętrzny
28FEB '25fr, 14:00
28FEB '25fr, 15:00
28FEB '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Horn of PlentySymphonic concert