Artur Rucińśki

Artur Rucińśki Artur Ruciński – is one of the most outstanding Polish singers, ranked among the twenty best voices in the world by critics (Festspiele Magazine). Artur Ruciński made his debut in 2002 in Warsaw, which is his hometown, in the title role of Eugene Onegin. Daniel Barenboim invited him to perform the same part at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin in 2010. After that, his career quickly gained international momentum. He has performed at the Bregenz Festival, the Staatsoper in Hamburg, the Liceu in Barcelona, the Palau de Les Arts in Valencia, and the Verona Arena. He made his debut in the United States in Los Angeles (Marcello in La Bohème), at the Paris National Opera, the Royal Opera House in London (Germont in La Traviata), the Salzburg Festival and La Scala in Milan. In February 2016, he made his debut at the New York Metropolitan Opera in the role of Sharpless in Puccini's Madame Butterfly.

Artur Ruciński also fulfills himself in the oratorio and cantata repertoire. He is a valued interpreter of the work of, among others, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Gustav Mahler, Gabriel Fauré, Benjamin Britten, Johannes Brahms, and many contemporary composers. He is regularly invited to international festivals in the most renowned music centers in the world. In the 2019/20 and 2021/22 artistic seasons, Artur Ruciński could be admired at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, Teatro Real in Madrid, and Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London. The artist has released eleven albums, which were enthusiastically received by the critics.
July 2024
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August 2024
03AUG '24sa, 11:00
03AUG '24sa, 12:00
03AUG '24sa, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
03AUG '24sa, 15:00
Choriner MusiksommerChoriner Musiksommer 2024Symphonic concert
04AUG '24sn, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
10AUG '24sa, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
11AUG '24sn, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
17AUG '24sa, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
18AUG '24sn, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
22AUG '24th, 19:00
24AUG '24sa, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
24AUG '24sa, 18:00
25AUG '24sn, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.RETROSPECTIVE: Ryszard HorowitzExhibition
30AUG '24fr, 12:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2024Regionalne dziedzictwo Pomorza ZachodniegoWorkshops
30AUG '24fr, 12:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2024Przesłuchania tradycyjneAuditions
30AUG '24fr, 19:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2024Dikanda z OrkiestrąConcert
31AUG '24sa, 12:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2024Badania terenoweWorkshops
31AUG '24sa, 12:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2024Przesłuchania eksperymentalneAuditions
31AUG '24sa, 21:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2024Jam session | SUFERIJam session
31AUG '24sa, 23:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych - TMP 2024Dom tańca | WędrowiecDancing party