This year's edition of the ‘Chamber Philharmonic’ series on the occasion of the Beethoven Year celebrations we start with the works of this composer.
In addition to the 250th birthday anniversary, Ludwig van Beethoven can celebrate on one more occasion. In 2019 in the Classic FM Hall of Fame, he took first place as the most popular composer of all time, defeating the many-a-time winner of this title – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Of course, the TOP 10 most popular compositions included the ‘Imperial’ piano concert, Moonlight Sonata and Pathetic Sonata, Symphony No. 9 and ‘For Eliza’.
In the family Sunday series ‘Philharmonics Play Chamber’, we invariably present masterpieces of chamber music. And although they do not excel in popularity rankings, it is in these compositions that one can find the real artistry of Beethoven, who treated his trios and quartets not only as carriers of ideas, but also intellectual entertainment.
Both trios that were included in the concert program belong to the early works of Beethoven and are a reflection of the then fashion for novelty – wind instruments. Opus 38 was probably written by the young composer in Bonn, and thus before the start of his Viennese career. Our favorite fragment of today's program is the third movement of opus 11. These are variations on the theme of the extremely popular two hundred years ago aria beginning with the words ‘Pria ch'io l'impegno ...’, or ‘Before I go to work ...’ Simply an ideal proposal for Sunday evening!
Philharmonics Play Chamber I Beethoven's trio
23-08-2020 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin