The harmonica – a small big instrument – usually associated with blues or country music. It can occur in different varieties which can break stereotypes about the small size and limited scale of the harmonica. However, it is not often possible to meet it on a philharmonic stage, much less often in such numbers. The three harmonicas, each of them different, are actually a small chamber ensemble.
'Animato' Harmonica Ensemble was established in 1978 and is currently the longest operating chamber ensemble in Szczecin. The trio was co-created by: Marek Jaroszyński (chromatic harmonica), Piotr Bieliński (chord harmonica) and Piotr Włodarczyk (bass harmonica), who have been performing in this makeup consistently since 1992. The harmonica, when it comes to the principle of sound extraction (a system of through-tongues), is actually a simplified accordion. Perhaps this fact led the members of Animato, graduates of accordion and piano classes, to reach for this pocket instrument. The gensemble has in its repertoire arrangements of both classical music as well as swing, jazz and popular music.
The 40th anniversary of Animato's activity will be celebrated together with the Jazz Band Ball Orchestra, a Krakow band with over fifty years of tradition specializing in swing music. As Igor Rakowski-Kłos wrote in "Gazeta Wyborcza": "JBBO is not a noisy dixieland band, but an elegant orchestra that plays a relaxed musical repertoire under the Kansas City sign". So there will be loads of jazz classics at its best.
Jubilee of the Animato ensemble
28-12-2018 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin