A higher level of comfort and elegance

NEWS | 04-03-2021
Six seasons filled with amazing concerts, original projects and innovative solutions. All this thanks to and in cooperation with the official partner of the Philharmonic – BMW Bońkowscy dealer.
The cooperation between the Philharmonic in Szczecin and the BMW Dealer Bońkowscy has been continuing since 2015. Six years ago, for the first time, we were given a luxurious car, which was to ensure the comfort of traveling to the Philharmonic for the greatest stars performing on our stage. During this time, the car covered hundreds of kilometers, and our guests enjoyed a safe and comfortable journey.

BMW is not only unique cars. We could find out about it when our Partner gave us a bicycle designed by the Bavarian brand. We distribute our promotional materials and products to the points of sale. It is an efficient and ecological means of transport that works especially during rush hour.

Our cooperation with Dealer BMW Bońkowscy is not limited only to cars and bicycles. For several seasons, BMW has been also a sponsor of the concerts organized at the Philharmonic. An example of such cooperation is, among others a series of ESPRESSIVO concerts, during which the most eminent jazz stars from Poland and the world appeared on our stage.

An example of great cooperation between the Philharmonic and BMW was the implementation of a unique project, which was to create a sound image of Szczecin. In April 2018, on the streets of our city, you could meet originally marked BMW electric cars, driven by famous Szczecin residents. At that time, the sounds of Szczecin were recorded, thanks to which the song "The Sound of Szczecin.

The Philharmonic in Szczecin and BMW Dealer Bońkowscy have been combining elegance, design, creativity and extraordinary solutions for six years. Certainly, in the years to come, our cooperation will bring a number of initiatives that will be long remembered by music lovers and guests of our Philharmonic.

The city is created by the people – as a company, we willingly support smaller initiatives and invest in the development of creative residents, knowing that they are the future of Szczecin. A very important element of our strategy is an active contribution to the development of the region. We want to work together and build the brand of our city. As part of these activities, we became the ambassador and a strategic partner of three icons of Szczecin: the Philharmonic Mieczysław Karłowicz, Opera at the Castle and Netto Arena – emphasize Dominika and Dariusz Bońkowski.

July 2024
brak wydarzeń w tym miesiącu
August 2024
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