SOUNDLAB, LiveFilharmonia

Jacaszek and Wesołowski - a visionary duo will play "Peace

NEWS | 12-05-2021
On Saturday, May 15th, feel more than welcome to join the broadcast of the concert by the duo Michał Jacaszek and Stefan Wesołowski. The broadcast on is scheduled to start at 7 PM. Access to the platform costs PLN 10/20.
The project "Peace" by Michał Jacaszek and Stefan Wesołowski was created with peace, freedom and the amazing surroundings of the port city in which the residents believe in the sense of changing the world for the better. In 2017, the first edition of the project took place, presented as part of the "Solidarity of Arts" festival. This time, the composers will come to Szczecin, to the stage of our Philharmonic, to tell the second part of the story about the still valid dreams from years ago.

Michał Jacaszek and Stefan Wesołowski are significant names on the contemporary map of post-classical composers who creatively draw on the achievements of broadly understood classical music. They both cross genre boundaries, combining classical, acoustic instruments with electronics. For many years they have been cooperating with foreign labels and are invited to the stages of European and world music festivals. The artists have collaborated for several times already – Wesołowski is the author of instrumental parts on Jacaszek's albums ("Treny" from 2008 and "Pentral" from 2009), they also created music for the TV show "Golgota Wrocławska" (2008) and the film "Suicide Room" (2011).

We run away from politics or journalism. Our "room" is the harmony of opposites: acoustic instruments and electronics, noise and delicacy. From the point of view of aesthetics, we prepare something that we specialize in in our work on music -Michał Jacaszek spoke about the "Peace" project in the Tri-City Gazeta Wyborcza in August 2017.

Although the Peace project does not refer to specific events or historical figures, the spirit of past and present times is very clearly felt in it. The softer sounds of various orchestral instruments are intertwined with more expressive electronic sounds. We want to treat the idea of peace universally, return to universal concepts and express them in the language of music: reconcile dissonances, find consonances, sometimes harmonize the extremely different characteristics of the instruments – wrote its creator about the idea of the project. A little imagination is enough for the music of the "Peace" project to transfer our thoughts to the streets of Szczecin, where we fought for peace and freedom.

When we started to think about how to approach this topic, there were of course ideas to base it on some text or story, but it would be banal and risky. We quickly came to the conclusion that every thought clothed in words – whether it will be poetry, a story, or literal quotes – will have some ideological load, a subcutaneous thought that can necessarily take one side, and thus generate the opposite thought. We did not want to wade into journalism, we wanted to stay with music and use it to reflect the idea of harmony and harmony. The more beautiful it is, the more extreme differences it can reconcile – Stefan Wesołowski emphasized in the same interview.

Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Stefan Wesołowski - compositions, instrumental arrangement, musical direction
Michał Jacaszek – compositions, arrangement of electronic spaces
Ziemowit Klimek – orchestrations
Tomek Hoax - executive producer
Michał Krężlewski – conductor


Philharmonic laboratory of electronic music, where there is lively communication between the musicians, the listener and the space. The unusual shape of the Philharmonic in Szczecin often serves as a form in which sound and architectural shape interpenetrate, making us realize that complementarity is the feature of all fields of art. The formula of the cycle, which can be called a musical-architectural sequence of sounds, allows for the presentation of very diverse sound proposals.

Saturday's broadcast will be the first Soundlab event this year.

Concert Lab 1: Jacaszek I Wesołowski I Peace on Saturday, May 15th at 7:00 PM at Access to the platform costs PLN 10/20.

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