Changes in April Rubato concert

NEWS | 28-03-2017
We regret to inform you that violinist Abraham Brody will not participate in the concert of Trys Keturiose planned for 4th April. The musician has unfortunately broken his arm.
We wish him a speedy recovery, and welcome you all to the concert of Trys Keturiose.

Trys Keturiose stands for three out of four, and are the lyrics used in the chorus of traditional polyphonic Lithuanian songs called sutartines. The Baltic word sutari means ‘agree to’ or ‘tune in’. Varied use of stressed rhythmical schemes, intermingling voices and choruses sung at the same time as the main verse, constitute the main features of this genre. The artists are expected to be perfectly unified, and well-matched in joint singing. The sutartine singing tradition didn't survive into our times, but the memory of these sounds is being preserved by the Trys Keturiose ensemble.

The Szczecin audience will have a chance to see the ‘queen of sutartines’ i.e. the ensemble's leader Daiva Račiūnaitė-Vyčinienė, PhD. For nearly 30 years she has been perfecting the art of polyphonic singing and reconstructing melodies uncovered in the archives. The artists not only recreate recordings of the past, they also create original characteristic sounds by giving the old songs a new meaning.

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