“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”, part two

NEWS | 14-04-2017
In exactly one week on 21st April, the second album in the series “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” (in Polish "Cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie") will be on sale. The Philharmonic in Szczecin is a proud partner of this release. This time the album doesn’t feature delicate, cafe, love melodies for dreamers in love, but full-blooded rock sounds for misfits.
Several of the tracks included in the release may truly be surprising. Who remembers such songs as “A May after May” (in Polish "Za majem maj" ABC?) or “Being a sailor” by the band Test (in Polish "Sam sobie żeglarzem)? And there is more. “Gajor Dziuni" by Bemibek and “Limping Wojtek” (in Polish "Kulawy Wojtek") by Niebiesko Czarni, as well as Polanie – the unquestionable superstar band of their time. Timeless Klan, in which song “Don’t plant apple trees in paradise ” (in Polish “Nie sadźcie rajskich jabłoni”) people used to look for the same power as in Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”.

Music will be much louder and much more psychedelic than on the first album. There will be jazz rock, funk and even some echoes of heavy metal. There will be rock’n’roll, although in those times it was more present on the streets than on the radio.

The album “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” is a unique and intriguing musical documentary from the times of the comrades Gomułka and Gierek. Americans had their New York Greenwich Village while London had its swinging clubs. In Poland, youth music was just being born in pain, and thanks to this it got its own style and rock’n’roll character as Marek Wiernik says in his preview of the album.

The Philharmonic in Szczecin is a partner of the series “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”. Szczecin dwellers can expect a surprise connected with the series prepared by the Philharmonic. We will celebrate the birthday of the city in an extraordinary way!

Happy Easter
14-04-2017 12:53
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