BBC Symphony Orchestra in Szczecin!

NEWS | 17-12-2018
From the beginning of its existence, in 1930, it has been the heart of British musical life, capturing with its virtuosity not only Londoners but music lovers from around the world. At the Szczecin Philharmonic, they will perform, under the baton of a Polish conductor, a fully Polish program and a pre-premiere work written especially for this occasion. Considered one of the best orchestras in the world, the BBC Symphony Orchestra will appear on January 6th at the Golden Hall of the Philharmonic by a special invitation and for the only such European concert.
Music journalist Tom Service wrote about them: "The BBC Symphony Orchestra gives concerts that I do not think any other orchestra in the world could do so brilliantly ... This supreme virtuosity in new music makes it unique."

Since the beginning of its existence in 1930, the London orchestra has played a central role in the musical life of the city and the whole of Great Britain. The most important part in the life of the orchestra is studio recordings for BBC Radio 3, some of which are free to the public. The BBC Symphony Orchestra also performs around the world capturing crowds of music lovers by its concerts. The ensemble is the main core of the eight-week London summer season of orchestral classical music concerts, which is held annually since 1895 – BBC Proms. Involvement of the orchestra in the promotion of 20th-century and contemporary music is appreciated all over the world, and its concerts arouse the admiration of the public and critics each time.

Polish music performed by the Brits – this is a brief introduction to the evening's program on January 6th at the Szczecin Philharmonic, during which the BBC Symphony Orchestra will perform under the direction of Michał Nesterowicz. The first of the compositions, Symphony Prelude "Polonia" Op. 76 by Edward Elgar, contains quotations from the works of Fryderyk Chopin and Ignacy Jan Paderewski (from "Polish Fantasy", "Warszawianka" and crowning the whole work with "Mazurek Dąbrowskiego". Another work, considered to be groundbreaking, is the Symphony No. 1 by Witold Lutosławski. The composition, written for six years, was completed in 1947 and premiered one year later. The concert will also feature a new piece commissioned by the BBC from one of the best-known contemporary Polish composers – Paweł Szymański. During the evening, the Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 17 by Paderewski performed by Janina Fialkowska.

Janina Fialkowska is a Canadian pianist with Polish roots, especially appreciated for outstanding interpretations of classical and romantic music, including Chopin and Mozart, as well as the performance of works by Polish composers of the 20th century. The critics describe her playing as lively, bold, intellectually interesting and constantly evolving. Fijałkowska, as the only female instrumentalist, was awarded the highest Canadian artistic distinction for life achievements in the field of classical music.

The concert on January 6th in Szczecin, at the special invitation of the Philharmonic, will be a unique opportunity to listen to the works of Polish composers performed by the British orchestra. At the same time, it will be the only concert of the BBC Symphony Orchestra in Poland and its only concert in Europe, whose program features only Polish music.

Tickets for the BBC Symphony Orchestra concert on January 6th, 2019 at 19:00 are available at the Ticket Office of the Philharmonic as well as online at

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