'Sea Symphony' will be performed during the concert marking the end of the 2019/2020 artistic season. Thank you very much for being with us this year. Dozens of symphonic, chamber, jazz and electronic concerts are behind us. We hope that thanks to our commentary you had a chance to look at the program from our perspective. Creating the Philharmonic and playing in the orchestra is not a simple task. Sometimes we have perfect timing, and sometimes we want to show too much or too little ... But as they say: Music is like the sea. When you stand on one shore, the other cannot be seen.
The same must have been felt by Ralph Vaughan Williams when he returned to England after a short study with Ravel in Paris (Ravel looked at his scores and ordered to compose 'some Mozart style minuet ', after which the gentlemen concluded that cooperation would not work out). He began writing the ' Sea Symphony' in 1903 when he was 31 years old, and he did not finish it until after many revisions in 1909.
The composition presents a soul's journey through life as a sea journey into unexplored regions. The travel described by the poet Walt Whitman must have been much into Williams’ liking, a declared agnostic who once exclaimed: "Who believes in God today, would I like to know?"
Drawing inspiration from Parry's cantatas and Sullivan's operettas, as well as English folk songs that he had recently, began to collect, Vaughan Williams created a huge work that contains one of the best choral parts of his era. The sound of waves, shanties, poignant songs, stories about the sea, travel, all nautical motifs, spectacular parts reminiscent of natural phenomena, and in the middle of all this – a man who has been asking himself the same questions for centuries.
Similarity means setting the limits
All distances measurement,
All time distances,
All souls, all living bodies similarities’ look,
All nations
All identities that existed or are waiting to exist,
All lives and deaths, all past, present, future
All similar to one another, from existence to nothingness.
19-06-2020 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin