Two Oscar statuettes, two Golden Globe-awards and six Grammy Awards are but a few of the many prestigious awards James Horner won for his world-famous scores. While an impressive feat, the number of awards he won mattered little to the composer himself. Neither is it why film – and film music enthusiasts around the world are so devoted to his music.
His ability to write music that went straight to the heart and to make you emotionally connect with the characters in a film, was extraordinary. His masterful orchestrations and unforgettable melodies never fail to sweep you off your feet. Regardless of a film’s subject matter and no matter if it was a blockbuster or a small film, Horner treated his work as an artform. Always searching for the perfect colour, the perfect orchestration that would spark magic when married to the visuals of a scene, and take the audience on a deeply emotional journey. These aspects are all part of what made James Horner’s abilities as a composer truly unique, and why his music will be remembered for the ages. “Braveheart”, “Titanic”, “Avatar”, “Aliens” and over a hundred more films had their original score written by James Horner, in his almost 40 years as one of Hollywood’s top composers.
Tonight you will hear several of Horner’s most beloved themes from his long career, including music from “The Rocketeer”, “Aliens”, “The Mask of Zorro” “Avatar”, “Braveheart” and of course “Titanic”.
For and “Braveheart” the orchestra will be joined by Geza Frank, on Uilleann Pipes and whistles. Geza is no stranger to James Horner’s music, having played at the 2013 “Hollywood in Vienna” gala concert in honour of the composer, and in recent years featuring as soloist on multiple concerts of “Titanic Live” around the world.
For “Titanic” Geza and the orchestra will be joined by vocal soloist Clara Sanabras. Clara first worked with James Horner in 2011, and was later handpicked by Horner to be vocal soloist for “Titanic Live”. She was also the vocal soloist during Horner’s last public appearance, in Stavanger, Norway, where she also first met tonight’s conductor, Torodd Wigum.
In addition to Horner’s timeless film scores, during this concert you will have a unique opportunity to hear concert works by Horner that haven’t been heard in decades: His virtually unknown concert works: "Spectral Shimmers" and "A Forest Passage" will finally have their moment in the spotlight, 44 and 22 years after their first and only performances, respectively. The Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, in collaboration with The James Horner Film Music Association will now give audiences a chance to finally discover these unexplored corners of James Horner’s musical universe.
Additionally, the audience will witness the world premiere of a new three-part video portrait featuring Horner’s widow, Sara, and daughter, Emily. Filmed at the Horner-estate and in James’ private studio in January 2020, we will get a never-before-seen and deeply personal glimpse into who the composer behind these timeless scores was, both as an artist and as a person.
In May 2015, during the Norwegian premiere of "Pas De Deux", in Stavanger, Norway, the Norwegian conductor Torodd Wigum was chosen to be Horner’s co-conductor for the concert. Horner himself conducted suites from "Braveheart", "Titanic" and "Wolf Totem", while Wigum led the orchestra through the double concerto and the rest of the program. The two musicians had an immediate connection and understood each other’s ideas and sensibilities from the very first meeting. For everyone who saw them collaborate, it was easy to get the impression that they had been working together for years.
After the concert, Wigum found a thank-you letter from Horner on his desk . The last line read: “I hope we'll have a chance to work together again.” Unfortunately, James Horner died only six weeks later. This evening, exactly seven years after the concert in Stavanger, Torodd Wigum will lead the
Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra as we take a closer look at James Horner: The Emotionalist.
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JAMES HORNER | The Emotionalist
13-05-2022 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin