09AUG '23wd, 12:0016AUG '23wd, 12:0023AUG '23wd, 12:0030AUG '23wd, 12:0001SEP '23fr, 12:00

Sight-seeing the Philharmonic in Englisch

Philharmonic space
We would like to invite you to tour the Philharmonic building in Szczecin, hailed as an icon of European and world architecture. READ MORE

The tour is taken in Englisch.

Each tour lasts about 40 minutes, beginning in the Lobby of the Philharmonic, and includes the Chamber Hall, the Symphony Hall, the Level 4 Gallery, as well as the gift shop which has books, games, CDs and great souvenirs in stock.

Individual tourists (small groups, families) can take part in the tours of the Philharmonic. It is not necessary to book tickets in advance. These guided tours take place regardless of the number of guests who show up on a given day. A ticket costs only 10 PLN.

The Philharmonic reserves the right to cancel the tour should the venue be booked or otherwise unavailable.

Sight-seeing the Philharmonic in Englisch
09-08-2023 12:00 | 16-08-2023 12:00 | 23-08-2023 12:00 | 30-08-2023 12:00 | 01-09-2023 12:00
Philharmonic space

August 2023
09AUG '23wd, 12:00
09AUG '23wd, 13:00
11AUG '23fr, 12:00
11AUG '23fr, 13:00
12AUG '23sa, 15:00
Choriner MusiksommerChoriner Musiksommer 2023Symphonic concert
16AUG '23wd, 12:00
16AUG '23wd, 13:00
18AUG '23fr, 12:00
18AUG '23fr, 13:00
18AUG '23fr, 14:00
19AUG '23sa, 12:00
19AUG '23sa, 12:00
19AUG '23sa, 13:00
20AUG '23sn, 12:00
23AUG '23wd, 12:00
23AUG '23wd, 13:00
24AUG '23th, 19:00
25AUG '23fr, 12:00
25AUG '23fr, 13:00
25AUG '23fr, 19:00
26AUG '23sa, 12:00
27AUG '23sn, 12:00
30AUG '23wd, 12:00
30AUG '23wd, 13:00
September 2023
01SEP '23fr, 12:00
01SEP '23fr, 13:00
01SEP '23fr, 19:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2023/2024Filharmonicy kameralnie | LOEWE (premiera na YouTube)Online premiere
02SEP '23sa, 12:00
03SEP '23sn, 12:00
03 SEP, sn, 19:30 - KRYSTIAN OCHMAN koncert zewnętrzny
04SEP '23mn, 19:00
05 SEP, tu, 19:00 - MARYLA RODOWICZ - MAŁGOŚKA FOREVER koncert zewnętrzny
07SEP '23th, 19:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych 8.5"Najem okazjonalny" Weroniki FibichProjekcja filmu
08SEP '23fr, 19:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych 8.5Pomorze średniowiecznego barda | Andrzej Lampert | INAUGURACJA TMP 8.5Symphonic concert
09SEP '23sa, 12:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych 8.5Przesłuchania konkursoweAuditions
09SEP '23sa, 12:00
09SEP '23sa, 18:00
09SEP '23sa, 20:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych 8.5Jam sessionJam session
10SEP '23sn, 11:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych 8.5Pieśni Pomeranii | Pieśni PrzejściaIntergenerational Polish-German vocal workshops
10SEP '23sn, 12:00
10SEP '23sn, 14:00
MISTERIOSO 2023/2024Filharmonicy na skwerze Waleriana PawłowskiegoChamber concert
10SEP '23sn, 17:00
Turniej Muzyków Prawdziwych 8.5Koncert Laureatów | BLACK NOISEConcert
13SEP '23wd, 17:00
15SEP '23fr, 14:00
15SEP '23fr, 15:00
15SEP '23fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2023/2024 | Artysta rezydent 2023/2024PÄRT | MONTEVERDI | proMODERNSymphonic concert
16SEP '23sa, 12:00
17SEP '23sn, 12:00
20SEP '23wd, 12:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMSPIRIT OPEN zwiedzanie otwarteExhibition
20SEP '23wd, 18:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMJak nastroić świat? | Pojedynek na argumentyDiscussion
20SEP '23wd, 21:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMBuilding Illumination Illumination show
21SEP '23th, 12:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMSPIRIT OPEN zwiedzanie otwarteExhibition
21SEP '23th, 19:00
21SEP '23th, 21:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMBuilding Illumination Illumination show
22SEP '23fr, 12:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMSPIRIT OPEN zwiedzanie otwarteExhibition
22SEP '23fr, 19:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMGrubSon | AbradAb | SadowskaConcert
22SEP '23fr, 21:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMBuilding Illumination Illumination show
23SEP '23sa, 12:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMSPIRIT OPEN zwiedzanie otwarteExhibition
23SEP '23sa, 21:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMHVOB liveElectronic music concert
23SEP '23sa, 21:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMBuilding Illumination Illumination show
24SEP '23sn, 12:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMSPIRIT OPEN zwiedzanie otwarteExhibition
24SEP '23sn, 17:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMOn the Trail of Energy | Czesław MozilFamily concertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
24SEP '23sn, 21:00
MDF Festival 2023 MUSIC.DESIGN.FORMBuilding Illumination Illumination show
29SEP '23fr, 14:00
29SEP '23fr, 15:00
29SEP '23fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2023/2024RAVEL | STRAUSS | Inauguracja sezonu 70.Symphonic concert
30SEP '23sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
30SEP '23sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 3-4 with caregivers
30SEP '23sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOWorkshops for children aged 5-6 with caregivers
30SEP '23sa, 12:00
Galeria Poziom 4.SPIRIT OPENExhibition
30 SEP, sa, 16:00 - KARUZELA GNA. NAJWIĘKSZE POLSKIE PRZEBOJEkoncert zewnętrzny
30 SEP, sa, 19:00 - KARUZELA GNA. NAJWIĘKSZE POLSKIE PRZEBOJEkoncert zewnętrzny