Akcja społeczna Słyszę Dobre Dźwięki 2017-2018

We know the winners of the third edition of the competition for School Harmony Zones

NEWS | 16-02-2021
The next edition of the competition for school harmony zones has been resolved. Schools from all over the region decided to divide their vision into a zone of harmony. To be precise, it is a place to rest from the hustle and bustle of the school. We know the winners at last!
The School Harmony Zone can be created in any building. It is a place where you can find peace, relaxation and a shelter from the excess of noise and listen to good sounds.

Inspired by the idea of Paweł Kornicz, music teacher at Primary School No. 35 in Szczecin and the creator of the harmony zone in this school, we have decided to announce the next, third edition of the competition for primary schools. We asked you to present your own concept for such a zone.

The results of the third edition of the School Harmony Zones competition were announced during the online conference "Hear the Future – Challenges of Acoustic Ecology" on February 16th .

Out of all the applications, the competition committee awarded the following schools:

  • I place: Primary School no 1 of The White Eagle in Świdwin
  • II place: Public Primary School with integration classes no 2 of E. Gierczak in Świdwin
  • III place: Primary School in Sucha Koszalińska

Winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive prizes in the form of equipping School Harmony Zones with the necessary equipment or materials indicated in the application form, worth:

• 2000 PLN for the concept which took 1st place
• 1500 PLN for the concept which took 2nd place
• 1000 PLN for the concept which took 2nd place

In addition, the prize set will include publications of the Philharmonic in Szczecin and support in soundproofing the space from Ecophon, which specializes in shaping the acoustics of schools, offices, hospitals and sports facilities.

Congratulations to the laureates, although the great applause is for all the schools that took part in the competition. You are an inspiration for the activities that not only improve the school space, but also positively affect the concentration and well-being of your students!

We hope that when students return to classes and classrooms for good, the new School Harmony Zone will be waiting for students in the winning school!

The third edition of the competition for School Harmony Zones is under the honorary patronage of the West Pomeranian Education Superintenden


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