Presenting a program composed of the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, we probably wanted to find an answer to the question: what makes given music extremely popular? Surely, every one of you wondered about this during one of the concerts.
The basic element is, of course, the musical genius of the creator. Again, we read about it many times, but what does this genius really mean? Biographers of Bach and Mozart repeatedly use the phrase that music literally "flowed from under their quills". Bach often composed by the desk, not by the instrument. Mozart immediately saved the finished songs, without preliminary sketches and later amendments. Maybe you know this from other fields? After all, you can have a talent for writing, for management, you can have crafts, engineering and language talents ... Here, someone sits down and does something. That is how it was with Bach and Mozart.
Next, neurology steps in as it has been trying for decades to penetrate the mysteries of our brain. Is there a music centre in it? How much a separate skill is a musical sense, and how much a by-product of other tendencies is it? How do complex sound patterns excite multilevel neural circuits? Unfortunately, modern science does not know the answers to all of the above questions. Those answers were also not provided by hundreds of researchers who undertook, and will continue to undertake, repeated attempts to analyze the music of Bach and Mozart, seeking a philosophical stone – a recipe for genius.
This time concertmasters and members of our Orchestra: Paweł Maślanka, Karolina Hyla, Joanna Kowalczyk and Filippo del Noce will be the concert's soloists. You can meet these outstanding musicians every day, which makes us proud, but only on this special evening, they will sign autographs!
Exhibition available during event:
Obrazy muzyki. Muzyka w obrazach | Bartek BarczykUnikatowe portrety wykonane przez Bartka Barczyka, to efekt spotkań z drugim człowiekiem, to zapis sytuacji, chwili, momentu. Najważniejszym jest wyzwolić migawkę w odpowiednim momencie. Czasem jest to możliwe dzięki bliższej relacji artysta-fotograf, czasem wystarczy spostrzegawczość i refleks, ale czasem jest to przypadek. Efektem jest wyjątkowy obraz, nad którym my możemy się na chwilę zatrzymać.
04-10-2019 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin