Mr Staś – like everyone else – had ears. With the difference that his ears were unusual because he had the absolute pitch. But although Stanisław Moniuszko's ears heard more, they were just as important as ours.
On December 15th, we will take a closer look at the jubilarian Stanisław Moniuszko and his hearing apparatus in the Symphony Hall of the Philharmonic in Szczecin. Our ears will hear the music of this outstanding Polish composer who celebrates his 200th birthday this year and our eyes will see how to care for the ears. Little music fans will turn into the sense of hearing to find out what secrets human ear holds. The Malleus (Młoteczek), Incus (Kowadełko), Stirrup (Strzemiączko), Cochlear (Ślimak) and their sister Eustachian Tube (Trąbka Eustachiusza) will appear on the stage of the Philharmonic to tell about the role of hearing in our lives.
The concert will take place within the framework of the bicentenary of the birth of Stanisław Moniuszko and the campaign "Hearing Good Sounds," whose aim is to sensitize older and younger music lovers to hearing hygiene and noise prevention.
Exhibition available during event:
Lśnienie | Michał ZaborowskiWedług Michała Zaborowskiego malarstwo powinno być sensualne, a nie intelektualne czy analityczne. Powstaje z mieszaniny ducha modela, sytuacji, w jakiej jest uchwycony, oraz światła. Wystawa nasycona będzie zarówno tradycyjnym malarstwem na płótnie, jak i lekkimi, niedopowiedzianymi i spontanicznymi pracami na papierze.
15-12-2019 17:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin