Jak czytamy w „The Chicago Tribune”, Bill Frisell jest jednym z najbardziej utalentowanych artystów w kierunku rozwoju współczesnego jazzu. W muzycznym splocie DNA Frisella znajdziemy folkowe nuty, tuż obok rockowych bitów, bluegrassowych brzmień, aż po rytmy z Nashvill i górskich stoków Appalachów – wymienia krytyk z „Jazztimes”.
As we read in "The Chicago Tribune", Bill Frisell is one of the most talented representatives of modern jazz. Within the musical DNA of Frisell we encounter folk music next to rock bits and bluegrass sounds, we find there even rhythms from Nashville and mountain slopes of the Appalachian Mountains – as enumerates a "Jazztimes" critic. The effects of Frisell's cooperation with various artists have been recorded on over two hundred albums: he was involved in the production of albums by Joni Mitchell, Cassandra Wilson, Suzanne Vega, Madonna, and the best-selling album of Norah Jones "Come Away with Me".
Bill Frisell on the project Music for Strings: "The beginning and the impulse to write music for this ensemble were eight paintings by Gerhard Richter [...]. For me it was a chance to finally write something for my dream string section, and also play with one of my best friends, Hank Roberts".
Fotorelacja - 2015.10.13 - Bill Frisell - Music for Strings, fot. Maciej Cybulski
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Bill Frisell – Music for Strings
12-10-2015 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin