Leszek Możdżer after many great projects and records, with interpretations of Chopin, a piano duet with Adam Makowicz, and a trio created with cellist Lars Danielsson and drummer Zohar Fresco, became almost a synonym of jazz for many listeners in Poland. The pianist, however, cannot easily be pigeonholed in one style, as he performs with artists from around the world, presenting very different aesthetics and genres.
This time, the musician invited for cooperation is Italian pianist Gloria Campaner. A classically educated artist born in Venice, usually performing with a classical repertoire including compositions by Rachmaninoff, Schumann and Ravel, is not afraid to reach for more unusual solutions – she also works with DJs, folk and jazz musicians, visual artists, dancers and choreographers. The pianist also plays on the so-called singing stones – the design of a sculptor from Sicily, master Pinuccio Schioli.
During the concert one can expect both innovative interpretations and arrangements of classical works which Możdżer himself willingly reaches for, as well as completely unexpected improvisations and interactions between the two pianists.
Fotorelacja - 2018-11-14 - Leszek Możdżer & Gloria Campaner
Leszek Możdżer & Gloria Campaner
14-11-2018 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin