20DEC '24fr, 19:00

Christmas Classics

Symphonic concert
Symphony Hall
  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker Act 1
  • Victor Hely-Hutchinson - Carol Symphony
  • John Williams - Three Holiday Songs from Home Alone
It's hard to believe today that the music for Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker was initially met with unfavourable reception. After its premiere in 1892, the composer noted: The newspapers, as is their custom, thoroughly criticised me. It's an undisputed classical music masterpiece, captivating with its rich instrumentation (including the use of the celesta), refined chamber ensembles, and extraordinary sense of humour as The Nutcracker is a fairy tale about the battle between the titular Nutcracker and the Mouse King and a magical journey to the land of the sweets. And since all of this occurs on Christmas Eve, there's no better opportunity to listen to this extraordinary music than at a pre-Christmas concert.

During the concert, we'll also hear the most famous work of British composer Victor Hely-Hutchinson, the Carol Symphony from 1927. The piece consists of four movements played without interruption, each based on a different famous carol.

The concert will conclude with Three Holiday Songs from the film Home Alone, for which John Williams – one of the greatest composers of film music in cinema history – composed the music. In this context, the music isn't just background for the events on the screen; it's more like one of the characters. We have a whole range of emotions associated with the adventures of the famous Kevin, plenty of excellent humour, and, above all, melodies that evoke the mood and spirit of Christmas.

Excerpt from Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker performed by the Berliner Philharmoniker under Sir Simon Rattle:

Three Holiday Songs from Home Alone by John Williams performed by the Carnegie Mellon University Chorus and the Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic conducted by Daniel Nesta Curtis:

STRABAG is the Patron of the 2024/2025 artistic season.
Patron of the 2024/2025 artistic season

Partnerem motoryzacyjnym Filharmonii w Szczecinie jest Dealer BMW Bońkowscy.

Christmas Classics
20-12-2024 19:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

December 2024
01DEC '24sn, 12:00
Art.Room | Movember 2024Henryk Sawka. Remember Movember!Exhibition
01DEC '24sn, 12:00
01DEC '24sn, 19:00
PHILHARMONIC LIGHT | Brillante 2024/2025Music LegendsConcert
03DEC '24tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
04 DEC, wd, 19:00 - WINTER SONGS OF FRANK SINATRAkoncert zewnętrzny
06DEC '24fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Prayer for PeaceSymphonic concert
07DEC '24sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
07DEC '24sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
07DEC '24sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
07DEC '24sa, 12:00
07DEC '24sa, 12:00
Art.Room | Movember 2024Henryk Sawka. Remember Movember!Exhibition
07 DEC, sa, 20:00 - TANGERINE DREAM „FROM VIRGIN TO QUANTUM YEARS 2024”koncert zewnętrzny
08 DEC, sn, 14:00 - KONCERT MAŁE TGD – DZIEŃ DZIECKA PRZEZ CAŁY ROKkoncert zewnętrzny
08 DEC, sn, 16:30 - KONCERT MAŁE TGD – DZIEŃ DZIECKA PRZEZ CAŁY ROKkoncert zewnętrzny
11DEC '24wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Beethoven and Brahms - intimatelyChamber concert
12DEC '24th, 10:00
School concerts 2024/2025Professor Inkblot's AcademySchool concert for primary schools students
12DEC '24th, 12:00
School concerts 2024/2025Professor Inkblot's AcademySchool concert for primary schools students
12 DEC, th, 19:00 - THE BEAT FREAKS & RALPH ALESSI - MECHANICS OF NATUREkoncert zewnętrzny
13DEC '24fr, 19:00
14DEC '24sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
14DEC '24sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
14DEC '24sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
14DEC '24sa, 12:00
15DEC '24sn, 11:00
Young Music Lovers' Academy | Family concertsAdventures of Little BowConcertfor children with caregivers
15DEC '24sn, 12:00
16DEC '24mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
16DEC '24mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
16 DEC, mn, 19:00 - LECH JANERKAkoncert zewnętrzny
17DEC '24tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
20DEC '24fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Christmas ClassicsSymphonic concert
21DEC '24sa, 12:00
22DEC '24sn, 12:00
28DEC '24sa, 12:00
29DEC '24sn, 12:00
31DEC '24tu, 20:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025New Year’s Eve ConcertSymphonic concert
January 2025
01JAN '25wd, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025New Year’s ConcertSymphonic concert
03JAN '25fr, 19:00
05 JAN, sn, 15:00 - KARUZELA GNA. NOWA EDYCJAkoncert zewnętrzny
05 JAN, sn, 18:00 - KARUZELA GNA. NOWA EDYCJAkoncert zewnętrzny
09JAN '25th, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusVernissage
10JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Presidential ConcertSymphonic concert
11JAN '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
11JAN '25sa, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Presidential ConcertSymphonic concert
12JAN '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
15JAN '25wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Landscape without BordersChamber concert
17JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025 | SYMPHONIC MONUMENTSSymphonic monuments - Rimsky-KorsakovSymphonic concert
18JAN '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
18JAN '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
18JAN '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
18JAN '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
19JAN '25sn, 11:00
Young Music Lovers' Academy | Family concertsTales from the Orchestral TreeConcertfor children with caregivers
19JAN '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
19 JAN, sn, 19:00 - KRZYSZTOF CUGOWSKI - 55 LAT NA SCENIEkoncert zewnętrzny
20JAN '25mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
20JAN '25mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
20 JAN, mn, 19:00 - ZAKOPOWER KOLĘDOWOkoncert zewnętrzny
21JAN '25tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
21 JAN, tu, 19:00 - VARIUS MANX & KASIA STANKIEWICZ 90'/35koncert zewnętrzny
23JAN '25th, 19:00
WORLD MUSIC | Rubato 2024/2025Špis MelodiesWorld music concert
24JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Symphony of JoySymphonic concert
25JAN '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
25JAN '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
25JAN '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
25JAN '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
25 JAN, sa, 18:00 - SKALDOWIE [PRZENIESIONY NA 27.05.2025, 19:00]koncert zewnętrzny
26JAN '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
26JAN '25sn, 17:00
EduVerve| Family concertsThe Great ImprovisationConcertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
28 JAN, tu, 19:00 - IRA AKUSTYCZNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
31JAN '25fr, 14:00
31JAN '25fr, 15:00
31JAN '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Euphoric NightSymphonic concert