Guy Braunstein, wybitny skrzypek grający na unikalnym instrumencie Francesco Ruggieriego z 1679 roku, wykona jeden z najważniejszych w historii polskiej literatury muzycznej koncertów.
Guy Braunstein, an outstanding violinist playing a unique Francesco Ruggeri instrument of 1679, will perform one of the most important concerts in the history of Polish music. The famous Henryk Wieniawski's Violin Concerto No. 2 is compared to the spectacular works of Mendelssohn and Paganini, and marks the peak of the composer's work. The contrast to the dazzling virtuosity of Wieniawski's work will be the monumental Symphonia domestica by Richard Strauss: scenes of family life, into the depiction of which this master of late Romanticism invested all his artistry of an orchestral visionary. The season inaugural night will be opened by Solemn Polonaise by Ludomir Różycki.
Fotorelacja - 2015.09.18 - Inauguracja sezonu artystycznego, fot. Bartek Barczyk
Season Opening Concert 2015/2016
18-09-2015 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin