W pierwszym koncercie z nowego cyklu Intermezzo wraz ze Szczecińską Orkiestrą Kameralną SMOK wystąpi wybitny, młody perkusista i kompozytor Krystian Skubała.
Yet none of these mountains were what the Tatras are. These Tatras, that shroud themselves for long weeks in mists, make us wait forever for a smile like a most capricious woman. However, when the shroud descends and the deep blue eyes of the ponds gaze, when the snow blushes and the alps breathe a fresh eastern wind, then some mysterious hand reaches to me from the mountains – this is how Mieczysław Karłowicz wrote in the fourth edition of the “Taternik” magazine in 1907.
The composer wasn’t fond of the glitz of Zakopane, the life of a mountain resort was of no interest to him. He reached out to places where there were firs, remnants of dwarf mountain pines, and even higher, where were naked rocks and a clear sky. He loved the Tatras, he liked trekking in the mountains, this is where he looked for inspiration. His Serenade for strings is an original composition, wrapped by halny winds and soughing firs.
The Szczecin Youth Chamber Orchestra and Krystian Skubała invite us on a mountain adventure. Skubała is a soloist and winner of over 30 international and national competitions for percussionists and composers. The concert takes place as part the anniversary of the Philharmonic in Szczecin patron’s 140th birthday.
Chamber music for vibraphone
05-10-2016 19:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin