Felix Klieser was born without hands, so his everyday chores are performed using his legs. He can eat, dress, write, and perform as a world famous French hornist. All by himself.
When he was five, he managed to convince his parents to enroll him in a music school – he insisted that he wanted to play the French horn. When asked why this instrument amazed him, he finds it hard to answer. No-one in his family has any musical experience – maybe when he was a child he saw a French horn in a TV show. His brilliant career went really fast: he graduated from the music school in Hanover, he took part in a concert with maestro Simon Rattle, he played at the Philharmonic in Berlin, he performed on the same stage with… Sting.
I want to play beautiful music, which will move everyone – he said in an interview for the BBC. This time this talented young artists will perform with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, one of the leading chamber orchestras in the world.
Norwegian Chamber Orchestra
14-10-2016 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin