Brzmienia alternatywne i improwizowane zagoszczą w Filharmonii w Szczecinie w ramach cyklu Arythmic Perfection Plan. Dwudniowy set to szeroki wachlarz propozycji dla tych, którzy nie boją się odważnego przekraczania muzycznych granic. Tropy wszystkich artystów występujących w ramach APP wiodą ich do celu – odnajdują przestrzeń intelektualną do praktycznej analizy założeń niemożliwych.
Alternative and improvised sounds will fill the Philharmonic in Szczecin during the Arythmic Perfection Plan series. The two-day set is a wide variety of propositions for those who are not afraid of boldly crossing musical borders. Microsamples, discoveries, field recordings and feedback are the components of this original project by Robert Skrzyński.
His 'Micromelancholies' stand for a river of sound, comprised from bits and pieces of melody and words creating an unusually coherent and spatial whole.
'You may widen your voice scale, you may also enrich the sound, you may change a screeching sound into a beautiful one, you may heal a sick voice, you may..., you may..., you may... . All you need is patience, intuition, strong will, imagination, visualisation, autosuggestion, confidence and love for what you're about to do. And the physiology can be transgressed' – maintains singer Olda Szwajgier. As the only person in the world, she has widened her voice scale from four to six octaves, working on it with exercises of her own invention over the years, since her graduation from the Academy of Music in Cracow in 1970.
During the Arythimc Perfection Plan there will be a chance not only to listen to this world famous soprano, but to also take part in workshops hosted by her. Igor Pudło will also be a guest of the Szczecin experimental scene.He is co-creator of the Wrocław duo – 'Skalpel'. This time solo, he will present a DJ set which will be filled with references to traditional jazz, hip hop, krautrock, contemporary avant-garde and film music. All paths of the artists performing with the Arythmic Perfection Plan lead to one destination – they will find intellectual space for practical analysis of impossible assumptions.
Fotorelacje - 2016.11.05 - Arhythmic Perfection Plan: sobota, fot. Krzysztof Szukalski
Sponsorem wydarzenia jest MURAPOL S.A.


05-11-2016 18:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin