17JAN '16sn, 17:00

Amusement park

Family concert
Symphony Hall
  • Agata Kolasińska - moderator
  • Mateusz Kupski - trombone
  • Krzysztof Dobosiewicz - conductor
original compositions by Krzysztof Dobosiewicz
For children – a trampoline. For the adventurous – a rollercoaster. House of fears for the brave. Everyone – small and big, timid and daring – will find something for themselves at the Lunapark.

And it is all thanks to the magical characters, colourful scenery and the Philharmonic Orchestra, which will perform compositions of Krzysztof Dobosiewicz – a Polish composer of classical, film and experimental music, who has lived in Finland for over 20 years. Enjoy this remarkable journey through the nooks of the amusement park. We will talk about everything you can find there – in the world's most universal language: music.
Sponsorem koncertów rodzinnych jest Neptun Developer.

Partnerem koncertów rodzinnych jest Fundacja Neptuna Sięgajcie Gwiazd.
Sponsor cyklu

Partner cyklu

Amusement park
17-01-2016 17:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

January 2016
01JAN '16fr, 17:00
FESTIVO 2015/2016New Year's concert – Swing, Swing, Swing!Symphonic concert
09JAN '16sa, 19:00
Presidential ConcertSymphonic concert
12JAN '16tu, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na razChamber concertfor children and youth
12JAN '16tu, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na razChamber concertfor children and youth
13JAN '16wd, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na dwaChamber concertfor children and youth
13JAN '16wd, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na dwaChamber concertfor children and youth
13JAN '16wd, 19:00
14JAN '16th, 19:00
SOUNDLABBrandt Brauer Frick | LAB 4: El-acousticElectronic music concert
15JAN '16fr, 19:00
VIRTUOSO 2015/2016Ewa Małas-Godlewska at the PhilharmonicSymphonic concert
16JAN '16sa, 09:00
Wszystko gra! DOmekWorkshops children aged 2–6
16JAN '16sa, 11:00
Wszystko gra! DOmekWorkshops children aged 2–6
17JAN '16sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2015/2016Amusement parkFamily concert
18JAN '16mn, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na trzyChamber concertfor children and youth
18JAN '16mn, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na trzyChamber concertfor children and youth
18JAN '16mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVOThird Of ThreeJazz concert
20JAN '16wd, 19:00
MISTERIOSOOpium i RappéChamber concert
22JAN '16fr, 16:30
Zwiedzanie FilharmoniiSight-seeing the Philharmonic
22JAN '16fr, 19:00
VIRTUOSO 2015/2016Shlomo Mintz plays MendelssohnSymphonic concert
23JAN '16sa, 09:00
Wszystko gra! REakcjaWorkshops children aged 2–6
23JAN '16sa, 11:00
Wszystko gra! REakcjaWorkshops children aged 2–6
23JAN '16sa, 17:00
SMOK w FilharmoniiChamber concert
24JAN '16sn, 17:00
BRILLANTE 2015/201635 years – Lombard at the PhilharmonicSymphonic concert
24JAN '16sn, 17:00
Salonik WiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
29JAN '16fr, 19:00
PIANOFORTE 2015/2016Leszek Możdżer plays RavelSymphonic concert
30JAN '16sa, 12:00
Salonik WiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
31JAN '16sn, 17:00
Słowiki 60 w FilharmoniiSymphonic concert
February 2016
04FEB '16th, 19:00
05FEB '16fr, 19:00
DECISO 2015/2016Capella CracoviensisSymphonic concert
08FEB '16mn, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na czteryChamber concertfor children and youth
08FEB '16mn, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na czteryChamber concertfor children and youth
08FEB '16mn, 19:00
DECISO 2015/2016Tango with 12 CellistenChamber concert
10FEB '16wd, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryLex Drewinski - plakaty w FilharmoniiVernissage
12FEB '16fr, 19:00
VIRTUOSO 2015/2016Dominik Połoński plays PrzybylskiSymphonic concert
13FEB '16sa, 09:00
Wszystko gra! MIksturaWorkshops children aged 2–6
13FEB '16sa, 11:00
Wszystko gra! MIksturaWorkshops children aged 2–6
14FEB '16sn, 17:00
BRILLANTE 2015/2016Guitar FantasySymphonic concert
14FEB '16sn, 17:00
Salonik WiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
15FEB '16mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVORenaud Garcia-FonsJazz concert
19FEB '16fr, 16:30
Zwiedzanie FilharmoniiSight-seeing the Philharmonic
19FEB '16fr, 19:00
SONORO 2015/2016Kaja Danczowska TrioSymphonic concert
21FEB '16sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2015/2016CyberphonicFamily concert
24FEB '16wd, 19:00
MISTERIOSOPhilharmonics in the ChamberChamber concert
26FEB '16fr, 19:00
PIANOFORTE 2015/2016Ingrid Jacoby plays BeethovenSymphonic concert
27FEB '16sa, 12:00
Salonik WiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
29FEB '16mn, 09:00
Before the Orchestra: #Wind_Instruments_1School concert dla klas I-III
29FEB '16mn, 10:30
Before the Orchestra: #Wind_Instruments_1School concert dla klas I-III
29FEB '16mn, 12:00
Before the Orchestra: #Wind_Instruments_1School concert dla klas I-III