10JUN '16fr, 19:00

Hungarian Days - Roby Lakatos

Symphonic concert
Symphony Hall
  • Roby Lakatos - violin
  • Anna Wandtke - violin
  • Alicja Węgorzewska - mezzosoprano
  • Jenő Lisztes - cymbals
  • Kálmán Cséki - piano
  • Klaudiusz Baran - accordion
  • Sebastian Wypych - double bass
  • Michel Legrand - Papa can you hear my
  • Vladimir Siemionow - Bulgarian Suite
  • Emmerich Kálmán - Czardasz Silvy z operetki Księżniczka Czardasza
  • Vladimir Cosma - Le Grand Blond
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Le Vol du Bourdon
  • Emmerich Kálmán - Czardasz Maricy z operetki Hrabina Marica
  • Hejre Kati Ivo Csàmpai, János Bihary - Memory of Bihary
  • Pablo Sarasate - Tzigainer veizen
  • - I’ve met you / Mama Trad. Russian
  • Franz Lehar - Czardasz Kiedy skrzypki grają z operetki Cygańska miłość
  • John Williams - Schindler's List
  • Vittorio Monti - Csárdás
Roby Lakatos comes from the legendary dynasty of Hungarian violinists – János Bihari called "Gypsy Paganini" is his ancestor. Lakatos has continued the family tradition as a valued instrumentalist, but also as a composer and arranger.

Fluently and with lightness he plays classical music and jazz, but always remembers his roots, masterfully combining classical pieces with Hungarian Roma music. He has played at major venues in the world alongside Maxim Vengerov, Stéphane Grappelli and Martha Argerich. A devilish genius, connoisseur of classical music, jazz improviser, heir of nineteenth-century virtuosos – each of these names is well deserved.

Hungarian Days - Roby Lakatos
10-06-2016 19:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

June 2016
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03JUN '16fr, 19:00
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10JUN '16fr, 19:00
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