Czy wiecie, jak brzmi Plac Grunwaldzki? Czy wszystkie szczecińskie place brzmią tak samo, czy każdy inaczej? I czy zastanawialiście się kiedyś, jak wyglądałby wielki, kolorowy insekt dyrygujący Placem Rodła?
"Navigator – musical logos of the cityscape" is a work created especially for the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, presenting sound logotypes of the largest Szczecin squares. The concert is intended for children aged 6 and more.
The piece is composed of ten miniatures expressing the musical space of Szczecin and its various dimensions. Thanks to the educational purpose of the composition, all the parts will be somewhat humorous, emphasizing the symbolism of presenting a real place in the city's architecture through a musical means of expression. Each composition constitutes a sound mark of the respective square in Szczecin – Plac Grunwaldzki, Orła Białego, Plac Rodła and others. The creators of the compositions are ten composers, both women and men, from all over Poland: Aleksandra Garbal, Alicja Gronau, Aleksandra Kościów, Artur Kroschel, Monika Kędziora, Magdalena Cynk, Olga Hans, Sławomir Zamuszko, Artur Cieślak. Szczecin has its representative composer in the form of Janusz Stalmierski, renown for his famous bugle-call in Szczecin.
The common idea in the music is a short melodic and rhythmic motif used by all the composers, where the application, development and insertion of the motif into the sound body is left to the creator’s invention. In this way, each piece takes form of a RONDO with a five-piece polygenic texture, the result of five instrumental voices such as: flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn and bassoon
The youngest listeners will be encouraged during the concert to interact, which shapes active listening. Children and young people, as well as their guardians, will be, in a sense, the creators of each part of the work, performing specific tasks for a musical motif common to all of them.
Thanks to visuals correlated with the music, the concert will have a multimedia dimension. For the first time in the Chamber Hall of the Philharmonic in Szczecin, a 3D mapping technique will be used, applying a two-dimensional image to a three-dimensional object.
The logotypes will be played by musicians from the FeelHarmony Quintet (Joanna Kowalczyk – flute, Izabela Kokosińska – oboe, Bogusław Jakubowski – clarinet, Edyta Moroz – French horn, Katarzyna Sułkowska – bassoon), who successfully perform contemporary music and are open to any of the challenges of new art. Thanks to the versatility of the ensemble, the composers will be able to reach unconventional means, including going beyond traditional concert productions.
Utwór „Nawigator – muzyczny logotyp Szczecina" został zamówiony przez Filharmonię i dofinansowany ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach programu „Kolekcje" priorytet „Zamówienie kompozytorskie", realizowanego przez Instytut Muzyki i Tańca.
Dofinansowano ze środków Fundacji Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej.




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Navigator - musical logos of the cityscape
22-09-2018 16:00 | 22-09-2018 18:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin