08MAR '19fr, 19:00

Bashmet I Schnittke I Rachmaninoff

Symphonic concert
Symphony Hall
  • Alfred Schnittke - Koncert altówkowy
  • Sergei Rachmaninoff - Symphonic dances op. 45
The course of history was not very favorable to Russian artists of the twentieth century. The revolution of 1917 led many to emigrate, like Sergei Rachmaninoff. Those who stayed were struggling with the oppressive system that undercut the wings of the outstanding creators. Excellent symphonic traditions combined with the need to adapt to a new system, as well as the depressing reality, all helped to develop a special style in 20th century Russian music, which could be recognized after just a few bars.

"Symphonic Dances" Op. 45 is the final work in the achievements of Sergei Rachmaninoff, completed in 1940 in exile in the United States. The composition, initially entitled "Fantastic Dances", has the form of a three-movement suite, the second link of which is kept in a waltz rhythm. Part one, initially in the marching climate, turns into a lyrical cantilena in the middle section, whose main theme is entrusted to the alto saxophone – this is the only time that Rachmaninoff reached for this instrument. The last of the dances oscillates between the funeral sequence "Dies irae" taken from Gregorian chant, and the resurrecting Orthodox chant "Blagosloven esi, Gospodi", originating from the Vespers composed by Rachmaninoff in 1915.

Alfred Schnittke's viola concerto from 1985 is a leading example of the new trend in the composer's work – polystylism – which is somewhat of a response by the Soviet artists to the postmodernism that prevailed in Western Europe. You can hear echoes of a march, a distant romantic cantilena, or a waltz in it. The work, written for one of the most recognizable altoviolists, Yuri Bashmet, overwhelms above all with a complex dissonant harmony and atmosphere of grave seriousness. The composer completely gave up the participation of violins, using only string instruments of a lower colour – however, he left plenty of space for both virtuoso technical performances and introverted dark meditations.
Exhibition available during event:
Powracające sny | Mikołaj Obrycki
Jak mało obrazów pamiętamy z życia. Jak mało sobie ich uświadamiamy. Stąd też moje usilne próby odtworzenia przestrzeni, które oglądałem w przeszłości. (Mikołaj Obrycki)

08-03-2019 19:00More
Oficjalnym partnerem Filharmonii w Szczecinie jest Dealer BMW Bońkowscy.
Oficjalny partner Filharmonii

Bashmet I Schnittke I Rachmaninoff
08-03-2019 19:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

March 2019
01MAR '19fr, 13:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
01MAR '19fr, 14:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic [in English]Sight-seeing the Philharmonic
01MAR '19fr, 15:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
01MAR '19fr, 19:00
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04MAR '19mn, 19:00
05MAR '19tu, 09:00
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05MAR '19tu, 10:30
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05MAR '19tu, 12:00
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05MAR '19tu, 19:00
06MAR '19wd, 09:00
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06MAR '19wd, 10:30
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06MAR '19wd, 12:00
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06MAR '19wd, 18:00
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07MAR '19th, 19:00
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08MAR '19fr, 13:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
08MAR '19fr, 14:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic [in English]Sight-seeing the Philharmonic
08MAR '19fr, 15:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
08MAR '19fr, 19:00
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09MAR '19sa, 09:00
Raniutto - LegatoWorkshops dla dzieci do 2. roku życia
09MAR '19sa, 10:30
Raniutto - PortatoWorkshops dla dzieci w wieku od 2. do 4. roku życia
09MAR '19sa, 12:00
Raniutto - StaccatoWorkshops dla dzieci w wieku od 4. do 6. roku życia
10MAR '19sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinneCzy jedzie z nami Mozart?Family concertfor children aged 6+ with guardians
10MAR '19sn, 17:00
Salonik Wiolinowy, czyli dziecko pod skrzydłami FilharmoniiWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
11 MAR, mn, 19:00 - MICHAŁ BAJOR - OD KOFTY... DO KORCZAkoncert zewnętrzny
12MAR '19tu, 10:00
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12MAR '19tu, 12:00
Droga do Oza School concert dla klas IV-VIII
12 MAR, tu, 19:00 - SŁAWEK UNIATOWSKI - "METAMORPHOSIS"koncert zewnętrzny
13MAR '19wd, 19:00
14MAR '19th, 19:00
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15MAR '19fr, 13:00
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15MAR '19fr, 14:00
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15MAR '19fr, 15:00
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15MAR '19fr, 19:00
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16MAR '19sa, 09:00
Raniutto - LegatoWorkshops dla dzieci do 2. roku życia
16MAR '19sa, 10:30
Raniutto - PortatoWorkshops dla dzieci w wieku od 2. do 4. roku życia
16MAR '19sa, 12:00
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17MAR '19sn, 19:00
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19MAR '19tu, 19:00
20 MAR, wd, 19:00 - 10 TENOROWkoncert zewnętrzny
21MAR '19th, 10:00
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22MAR '19fr, 10:00
22MAR '19fr, 13:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
22MAR '19fr, 14:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic [in English]Sight-seeing the Philharmonic
22MAR '19fr, 15:00
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22MAR '19fr, 19:00
VIRTUOSO | Preludium Talentów Waarts plays ProkofievSymphonic concert
23 MAR, sa, 17:00 - SYMPHONICAkoncert zewnętrzny
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25MAR '19mn, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje – Na dwaChamber concertdla klas I-III
25MAR '19mn, 10:30
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25MAR '19mn, 12:00
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26MAR '19tu, 09:00
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26MAR '19tu, 10:30
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26MAR '19tu, 12:00
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26 MAR, tu, 20:00 - SZCZECIN JAZZ 2019 SZCZECIN DAYkoncert zewnętrzny
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29MAR '19fr, 13:00
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29MAR '19fr, 14:00
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29MAR '19fr, 15:00
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29MAR '19fr, 19:00
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30 MAR, sa, 18:00 - STARE DOBRE MAŁŻEŃSTWOkoncert zewnętrzny
31MAR '19sn, 19:00
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April 2019
01APR '19mn, 10:00
Droga do Oza School concert dla klas IV-VIII
01APR '19mn, 12:00
Droga do Oza School concert dla klas IV-VIII
02APR '19tu, 19:00
04APR '19th, 19:00
SOUNDLABShiva Feshareki | Lab 7: El-vinylElectronic music concert
05APR '19fr, 10:00
05APR '19fr, 13:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
05APR '19fr, 14:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic [in English]Sight-seeing the Philharmonic
05APR '19fr, 15:00
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05APR '19fr, 19:00
SONOROMozart | Haydn Symphonic concert
07APR '19sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinneCzy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz? Seniorita w FilharmoniiFamily concertfor children aged 6+ with guardians
07APR '19sn, 17:00
Salonik Wiolinowy, czyli dziecko pod skrzydłami FilharmoniiWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
09APR '19tu, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje – W trasieOn tourdla przedszkoli
09APR '19tu, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje – W trasieOn tourdla przedszkoli
09APR '19tu, 17:00
09APR '19tu, 19:00
RUBATOAlentejo Cantado (Portugalia)Traditional concert
10APR '19wd, 09:00
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10APR '19wd, 11:00
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11APR '19th, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryBarwne konstelacje świata - wernisażVernissage
12APR '19fr, 13:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
12APR '19fr, 14:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic [in English]Sight-seeing the Philharmonic
12APR '19fr, 15:00
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12APR '19fr, 19:00
SONOROWalewska | Songs by KarłowiczSymphonic concert
13APR '19sa, 09:00
Raniutto - LegatoWorkshops dla dzieci do 2. roku życia
13APR '19sa, 10:30
Raniutto - PortatoWorkshops dla dzieci w wieku od 2. do 4. roku życia
13APR '19sa, 12:00
Raniutto - StaccatoWorkshops dla dzieci w wieku od 4. do 6. roku życia
13APR '19sa, 19:00
14 APR, sn, 20:00 - KUBA BADACH - TRIBUTE TO ANDRZEJ ZAUCHA. OBECNYkoncert zewnętrzny
15 APR, mn, 19:00 - GALA NAGRODY ARTYSTYCZNEJ Z AGĄ ZARYANkoncert zewnętrzny
15APR '19mn, 19:30
Walewska | Songs by Karłowicz copyOn tour23. Wielkanocny Festiwal Ludwiga van Beethovena
17APR '19wd, 19:00
23APR '19tu, 17:00
Światowy Dzień Książki i Praw AutorskichZa durami, za mollami – spotkanie autorskie z Dorotą GellnerAuthor's meetingfor children aged 6+ with guardians
24APR '19wd, 19:00
25APR '19th, 17:30
Akcja społeczna Słyszę Dobre Dźwięki 2017-2018 | Akcja społeczna Słyszę Dobre Dźwięki 2019 | Akcja społeczna Słyszę Dobre Dźwięki 2020 | Akcja społeczna Słyszę Dobre Dźwięki 2021ODRA SOUND DESIGNConcert
25 APR, th, 20:00 - ANIA DĄBROWSKA THE BEST OFkoncert zewnętrzny
26APR '19fr, 10:00
26APR '19fr, 13:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
26APR '19fr, 14:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic [in English]Sight-seeing the Philharmonic
26APR '19fr, 15:00
Sight-seeing the PhilharmonicSight-seeing the Philharmonic
26APR '19fr, 19:00
28APR '19sn, 19:00
29 APR, mn, 20:00 - VOOVOO, GOŚCINNIE: MONIKA BORZYMkoncert zewnętrzny
30APR '19tu, 19:00