There have been over one million listeners on concerts, three thousand hand-burned pieces of ceramics, almost a thousand seats in the concert hall and only three windows. The Birthday of the Most Beautiful Building in Europe is not only another opportunity to pay attention to its appearance but also to hear and feel its unusual atmosphere. The musicians of the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will perform chamber works of several periods and styles – so that we can hear how various music resonates with the world-class architecture that we have already been able to boast about for five years.
There is one more anniversary taking place this year. It is connected to the place where we play music and work. 135 years ago, the pre-war Konzerthaus started its operation. At the concert house, just like today, there were two concert halls, exhibition spaces and an exclusive café. One could say that for 135 years, with a break for our dreams of the former and future headquarters, the same space in the centre of our city attracts crowds of music lovers.
Sponsorem V urodzin nowej Filharmonii jest Netto.
Parterami V urodzin nowej Filharmonii są: BMW, Asprod i Hotel Radisson

5th Birthday of the New Philharmonic
05-09-2019 19:00