The performance is half artistic half science-like journey on which we will take the youngest participants of the festival. In it we will explain the world of sound and light, their physicality and similarities. Therefore, the youngest audience will discover the nature of the world and phenomena that surround us in our daily life. To do that, we will use modern technology which will help change instrument sounds into light. Young music fans will know the history of prism and the first experiments with light. We will also explain, how thanks to modern technology, composers are able to split the sound and separate particular bands.
For the sole purpose of the performance, original software was created that based on the sounds played by the band, steers the performance’s visuals. The show will definitely be a great portion of fun and knowledge for both the youngest and adult, more experienced listeners.
Exhibition available during event:
Crystals | Oskar ZiętaChoć jego projekty wyglądają jak baloniki nadmuchane helem, jest to mylne wrażenie – wszystkie wykonane są z metalu i są w stanie wytrzymać obciążenie nawet kilku ton. Oskar Zięta, architekt, designer, inżynier, artysta, innowator, twórca technologii FiDU, zaprezentuje swoje prace w Filharmonii w Szczecinie podczas MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival 2019!
Michał Janocha | Słyszę, że patrzysz


Media patronage

Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin - Municipal Institution of Culture is co-led by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage


Michał Janocha | I hear you are watching
14-09-2019 17:00

Chamber hallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin