Hot Latin American rhythms have fascinated twentieth-century composers. The Cuban overture by George Gershwin, initially simply called "Rumba", is a holiday postcard from Havana, where the composer stayed in 1932. The piece focuses primarily on dance-like Caribbean rhythms, and the Cuban character is added by percussion instruments: maracas, bongos, claves and guiro, which strike the ostinato rhythm almost for the whole duration of the composition.
The Latin ballet "Estancia" by Argentinian composer Albert Ginastery also exhibits a Latin American temperament. In 1941, American Ballet Caravan manager Lincoln Kirstein ordered a one-act ballet from Ginastery that would show life in the Argentinean countryside, to take place in the gauchos community or South American cowboys. The ballet action covers one day – from dawn to dawn – and is comprises five pieces. The composer put together a short musical suite from the four ballet dances, which often appears in concert programs without a stage version. An especially known piece and often performed as an encore is the final "Malambo" – a traditional Argentine tap dance, performed exclusively by men.
As a break from the southern climate, the program will be complemented by a series of compositions entitled “Landscapes“ by Norwegian trumpeter Ole Edvard Antonsen. In terms of music, Antonsen’s musical landscapes resound with jazzy, symphonic, and sometimes also traditional and folk music.
Exhibition available during event:
Po drugiej stronie grani | Anna ReinertAnna Reinert przez ostatnich 15 lat znajdowała inspirację dla swego malarstwa w żywiole geometrycznego miasta. Dzisiaj, przechodząc przez symboliczną grań swojego życia, znalazła się wśród ośnieżonych szczytów gór wysokich. Tak oto góry określiły ją na nowo jako artystkę, jako malarza. W jaki sposób przepływa inspiracja, która w miejskiej bryle szczecińskiej Filharmonii pozwala zobaczyć ostre szczyty ze zdjęć Mieczysława Karłowicza.
Fotorelacja - 2019-02-01 - Gershwin | Ginastera | Antonsen
Oficjalnym partnerem Filharmonii w Szczecinie jest Dealer BMW Bońkowscy.
Oficjalny partner Filharmonii

Gershwin | Ginastera | Antonsen
01-02-2019 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin